2024….what's next?
Wow…we’re here and we're….breathing 💨.
I've always had a goal to be more transparent about my projects and activities on this blog, so here we go!
My Top 10 Goals for this year are:
Write at least one blog post each month.
Sew myself an outfit for the Fabric Mart blog as one of their “fabricistas” 😄💃
Design a project for this NDA I signed…NBD.
Visit more friends IRL.
Be a first time Director for the children’s theater company that I volunteer for and get us ready for our performance 🎭!
Teach new projects for my sewing classes.
Travel to teach a fiber arts class.
Go on a roadtrip.
Revamp this website.
Launch the web store with all of my homie’s items in it that I loooooove!!
If you made it to the end of this list, thanks for the positive energy. I can’t wait to focus on these goals and achieve at least half of them 🤗