My most watched TikTok!! How to fix a broken zipper

Ok sooooo, as of today, my most viewed TikTok video is at 100K views!! And like…it just keeps slowly climbing. It’s so cool to experience this happening with a video that I made, about a subject that I'm so passionate about. I told my littlest brother about it and he asked who was in the video? I said, “my hands” 😂 If you’reinterested in checking it out you can find it here:

I often get asked to help fix zippers and so I thought I'd take this opportunity to share how to do this type of repair because really, anyone can do it. Just takes some patience, the zipper repair kits, and some needle nose pliers.

I'm now even more motivated to make another video on how to do another common clothing repair 🤗


Guest post on the Fabricista Blog <3